Lanka Land Web will publish your advertisement on the web for free of charge.   


As you all see this site facilitate, a Free opportunity for people who want to buy land  to have direct contact with advertisers with out going through a intermediate person.

Any body who knows how to press a button in his/her keyboard can advertise here. Therefore among thousands who use this site, there could could be some not so genuine people too. This site has no way of verifying who is the genuine advertiser and who is not. It is the responsibility of interested buyer not of this site. 

The key word is: "Buyers Beware" and not the "Woeful Truth". 

The "Awful truth" will be when you realize that, what a fool you are to allow yourself be taken for a ride by some cunning greedy  person.

But it is wrong to blame everybody who advertise here as "Dreamers who try to find dumb foreigners " There are genuine advertisers and this site is mainly intended for Sri Lankans and not for foreigners.

I too feel that, certain prices mentioned here seems to be too high.  But in turn those who mention too high prices will find that no one will be foolish enough or interested in buying at those ridicules prices. So be reasonable in expectations

The key word in this situation  is "Negotiate and Bargain"

Web Master

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Due to excessive spamming I have discontinued this service, sorry, Will start when this frenzy of spamming is over. Those who spamm should know rhat "Google page rank is penalized when you have links comming through guestbooks. New Google algorithem classify you as a spammer straight away " Good luck with guest book spamming."


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