Free  Real Estate and Property Advertisements - Sri Lanka








Lanka Land Web will publish your property and real estate advertisements on the web for free of charge.

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For real estate and property inquires write directly to the E-Mail Address of Real Estate advertiser given in the Ad..

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Individual Real Estate advertisers!

To advertise your real estate and property in this page Please prepare an real estate advertisement.







Then click here and paste your real estate advertisement in to the form and press the submit button once:

Your real estate advertisement will appear instantly on the top of the page

Disclaimer: This is a free service to help a simple person to advertise his/her real estate property. Since, any body who knows how to push a button in his/her keyboard can advertise here. Therefore among thousands who use this site, there could be some not so genuine people or middle men too. This site has no resources or a way of verifying each and every property  advertisement and tell who is the genuine real estate advertiser or owner and who is not. It is the responsibility of interested buyer or seller and not of this site. Only the real estate advertisements displayed with an orange border are the ones the web master personally knows and recommend as genuine. Therefore the key word is: "Buyers Beware" 

Web Master : Lanka Land Web -Free real estate and property advertisements